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sábado, 30 de junho de 2012

Curiosidades sobre o skate

Proibição do skate na Noruega no período entre 1978 e 1989 a posse ou venda de skate eram proibidos. A proibição era devido quantidade elevada de ferimentos causados pelo skate. A proibição levou os skatistas a construir rampas nas florestas e em outras áreas isolados para evitar a polícia.[8]

Militares dos Estados Unidos relatou-se publicamente que o Corpo de Marines dos Estados Unidos testou skate nos anos 90 em combate urbano. Mais perto do possível: "Pra manobras dentro de construções/prédios para detectar fios (detectadores de movimento e detonadores de minas) e fogo de atiradores".

Não se sabe ao certo de onde surgiu skate, mas muitos falam que vieram do surf, outros dos patins quebrados com suas partes se montavam skate em uma madeira.

O ator Jason Lee (De My Name is Earl , Almost Famous e Alvin and the chimpmunks), foi um dos primeiros skatistas a ter seu "pro model shoe", feito pela Airwalk.

Peggy Oki, 1965 Primeira skatista mulher que se sabe, era do grupo Z-Boys.[9]

A primeira mulher a se tornar skatista profissional foi Andressa McGee, no ano de 1965, no mesmo ano foi capa da revista Life Magazine.

Letícia Bufoni fez uma propaganda de desodorante feminino na qual ela anda de skate com salto-alto e vestido vermelho, descendo corrimão de rockslide.

O skate é hoje o 7° esporte mais praticado no Brasil.[10]

Em 2012, Tom Schaar, skatista norte-americano com 12 anos de idade, tornou-se o primeiro skatista a realizar a manobra 1080 graus (3 voltas completas no ar).[11][12]


Skate Garopaba . Garopaba Mídia. Página visitada em 11 de fevereiro de 2011. 
Adriana Fernandes (28 de maio de 2003). A História do Skate . 360 Graus. Página visitada em 11 de fevereiro de 2003. 
História do skate . Skate Solidário. Página visitada em 11 de fevereiro de 2011. 
Weyland, J. The Answer is Never: A Skateboarder's History of the World Arrow (em inglês). London: [s.n.], 2002. 276 p. ISBN 0-09-943186-6. Página visitada em 11 de fevereiro de 2011. 
Robert Dean Silva Burnquist é um cara universal . Gazeta Adventure (8 de julho de 2007). Página visitada em 11 de fevereiro de 2011. 
Carlos Sarli (31 de agosto de 2000). Não é mole, onda dura . Folha Online. Página visitada em 11 de fevereiro de 2011. 
a b Modalidades de Skateboarding . (31 de agosto de 2006). Página visitada em 11 de fevereiro de 2011. 
Forbrytere på hjul . (17 de novembro de 2006). Página visitada em 11 de fevereiro de 2011. 
Steve Olson. DogTown Chronicles: Peggy Oki . Juice Magazine. Página visitada em 11 de fevereiro de 2011. A conquista histórica de Tom Schaar. Acessado em 02/04/2012. Skatista de 12 anos supera lendas e faz primeiro 1080º da história. Acessado em 02/04/2012. 

sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2012

Reciclagem de skates

Reciclagem de skates

Redação Planeta Sustentável 20 de outubro de 2008
Por mais radical que um esporte possa ser, sempre há uma alternativa sustentável a se fazer com os restos (não do corpo, mas do objeto). Skates quebrados, por exemplo, podem virar diversos utensílios ou objetos de decoração.
O site GreenUpgrader fez uma lista de 20 objetos feitos com todas as partes do skates: de sandálias a relógios; de mesas a estantes; de biombos a luminárias. Usando a criatividade, pode-se fazer praticamente tudo com o shape e as rodinhas.
Um dos exemplos são os objetos da imagem acima. Feita pela Skate Study House, o conceito é reciclar o material ou usar de segunda mão para produzir as peças com belos designs. O banco é feito apenas com as pranchas, que receberam acabamento manual para ficar uniforme. O relógio foi composto de rodinhas de poliuretano.
Outra sugestão é a mesa acima, fabricada pela Sports Utility Furniture. Como diz o próprio Green Upgrader, eles não usam madeira certificada ou reaproveitam o material, mas é tão simples de fazer que você pode fazer na sua própria casa.
Vale a pena visitar o post do blog norte-americano para conferir mais exemplos e, quem sabe?, arrumar uma utilidade para aquele skate velho ou quebrado que está encostado há anos no canto de sua casa.

Skate Old or Die!

Skate Old or Die!

Rick Sulz founded in 2009 at age 30 and has been skating New York City streets since age 16. He is on Twitter.

UPDATED MAY 15, 2012, 11:05 AM

The secret to lasting youth is never to stop making memories. And to make those memories, we have to keep enjoying the ride, whether it’s on a skateboard or doing something else that challenges us. Why should an activity like skateboarding be perceived as a pastime for kids when biking, running and surfing are all ageless?

Every minute spent skateboarding -- even if it includes a fall -- is one not wasted in front of a TV or dwelling on regrets.

Throughout the two decades that I’ve been skateboarding, every push, ollie, kickflip and twisted ankle has shaped my approach to the art form. Just as the wisdom that comes with age improves any athlete’s game, every year of persistence and hard work that a skateboarder invests in pays off in both skill on the board and in life experience.

Let’s not forget that skateboarding as a sport is relatively new, so today’s 45- or 50-year-olds were truly its pioneers. Many of the now-gray-haired pros of the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s still regularly outperform skateboarders half their age. (One example is professional skateboarder Lance Mountain, whom I looked up to as a kid in the ‘80s. He’s still releasing videos to this day that are better than ever -- a fact that makes me never want to complain that I’m “getting old.”)

But even amateurs have a place on the board, no matter their age. It’s part of us just as much as our jobs or our families or our possessions. For lifelong skateboarders, the feel of wood and wheels beneath our feet is a thread connecting our present reality to the kids we once were. Everything has changed, yet something inside survives.

And every minute spent rolling down New York’s streets -- even if it includes a fall -- is one not wasted in front of a television or dwelling on regrets.

The only thing that’s embarrassing about seeing a 45-year-old on a skateboard? The moment you realize he just landed a trick that you didn’t.

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fonte: The New York Times

quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012

Circuito Skate Brasília 50 Anos

A ASC (Associação de Skate da Capital) apresenta o maior evento de skate street do Centro-Oeste, oCircuito Skate Brasília 50 Anos. Além de comemorar os cinqüenta anos da cidade, este projeto foi criado para incentivar e fortalecer o skate desenvolvendo um hábito de competição e espírito de coletividade entre os atletas e o público.

O Circuito Skate Brasília 50 Anos conta com três etapas, todas com dois dias de competições, tendo ínicio às 10h00 e término às 19h00, aos sábados e domingos. O evento contará com um campeonato de skate formado pelos categorias Mirim, Iniciante, Feminino e Amador I e II. 

São Sebastião receberá neste final de semana, nos dias 18 e 19 de setembro, a 2ª etapa do circuito com uma festa em comemoração à reforma da pista de skate. Artistas da cena local como Dj ´s, Grafiteiros e Mc’s farão parte do evento. Apenas à 26km do plano piloto a pista é localizada no centro da cidade, próximo à administração e ao lado da delegacia de policia. 

Estão todos convidados!

Skateboarding estilo

Skateboarding Past a Midlife Crisis

Tony Cenicola/The New York Times


A GRINDING sound, somewhere between a rattle and a rumble, erupted over the suburban New Jersey hill. The figures, clad in motorcycle leathers and helmets, started to appear, one, two, three, until there were almost 20, crouched on skateboards, like a squadron of roller-villains.
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When you’re pushing 50, the pros and cons of perfecting that ollie at the skate park.

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Yana Paskova for The New York Times
Tom Barnhart, 47, the leader of a group of skateboarders called the Bergen County Bombers, near his home in Cresskill, N.J.
Ivan Pierre Aguirre for The New York Times
Bill Robertson, 49, trying to land a skateboard maneuver at the Carolina Skate Park in El Paso. "We're the group with helmets and pads on," he says of the 40-somethings.
Yana Paskova for The New York Times
Mr. Barnhart's skate gloves.
One by one, the skaters rounded a turn, dropping a gloved hand to the asphalt as they scraped their wheels in a slide, taking care that nobody crossed into oncoming traffic and found themselves splattered across the grill of a Buick.
At the bottom of the hill, the leader of the Bergen County Bombers, as this gang of skateboarders is known, wrestled the black motorcycle helmet from his head, revealing a mortgage broker with gray flecks in his beard and the crow’s feet that come from decades in the white-collar trenches.
“It’s a total midlife crisis,” said the group’s leader, Tom Barnhart, 47, of Cresskill, N.J., who started skateboarding two years ago for the first time since the Carter administration. His life, he said, had been in a rut. “My kids grew old, so I got a dog. My dog grew old, so I got a skateboard.”
“That was what knocked the cobwebs out of my head,” he added.
Forget the little red sports car: the new symbol for midlife crisis is the skateboard. Graying members of Generation X, and even their older brothers, are reclaiming their youth and rebellious streak by hopping back on a skate deck. Some are even showing off old tricks in the skate park.
It’s the latest gasp for a generation of perma-dudes who listen to Black Flag in their BMWs and trade high-fives in client meetings. It’s a bid to escape the corporate grind, beat back their flagging vigor and even make good on a generational cliché: to extend their adolescence until their federal prescription-drug benefit kicks in.
“The skate geezers are having their revenge,” said Michael Brooke, the publisher of Concrete Wave, a skateboard lifestyle magazine based in Ontario, Canada.
Indeed, the skate geezer is becoming something of a trope in popular culture. A recent satire in The Onion was headlined, “43-Year-Old With Skateboard Not Fooling Anyone,” complete with a close-up of Tony Hawk, the skateboarding superstar, looking a bit weathered in his helmet. Dave Carnie, the gonzo writer and former Johnny Knoxville sidekick on “Jackass,” introduced a line of decks with Tum Yeto skateboards called Fat Old Guy Skateboards to appeal to skaters who “just awoke from a coma and still think it’s 1984,” he said.
And why not? Skateboarding itself is entering middle age. Like the older members of Generation X, the sport was born in the ’60s. The pioneers are now at an age when they’re paying off mortgages and their children’s college tuition.
“Tony Alva and I have joked about it,” said Stacy Peralta, who, along with Mr. Alva, was a member of the legendary Z-Boys skate team in Venice, Calif., in the 1970s. As detailed in Mr. Peralta’s 2001 documentary “Dogtown and Z-Boys,” they would sneak into unoccupied suburban homes and drain swimming pools to skate in them.
“When we were kids, it was so new, we could never imagine doing this when we were 50,” he said. “The idea that my dad could be doing the same thing I was doing in a swimming pool was unheard of.”
But now Mr. Peralta is 52, the father of a 21-year-old son, and he is doing precisely that, spending his weekends at a state-of-the-art skate park near his Santa Monica, Calif., home.
“It’s got beautiful transitions and voluptuous shapes, unlike the dangerous pools we rode as kids,” Mr. Peralta said. “They finally figured out how to design a skateboard park that is forgiving to middle-aged men.”
It’s not only the parks that have become more forgiving. The skateboards themselves are now smoother and grown-up-friendly, thanks to a booming segment called longboards.
Longboards are the luxury sedans of the skateboarding world. They are usually about 40 to 48 inches long, compared with traditional street decks, which are around 32 inches. Fitted with bigger, softer wheels to roll over sidewalk cracks and pebbles, they are built for cruising and carving, not tricks and aerials, and appeal to riders who no longer risk broken bones by grinding rails and ollying curbs, as they did as teenagers.
“It’s like snowboarding,” said Brian Petrie, the founder of Earthwing, a skateboard company based in New York. “Anyone can learn to push, turn and stop in no time.”
Leading longboard manufacturers like Honey Skateboards of Colorado, Bustin Boards of New York and Original Skateboards of New Jersey report a surge in sales among older riders. That corresponds to a noticeable graying of the skateboard demographic. The number of skateboarders over 35 has nearly doubled in the last decade, to 742,000, from 404,000, and now accounts for 10 percent of the market, according to the National Sporting Goods Association, a trade group in Mount Prospect, Ill.
Even though longboards are more forgiving to older riders, the feeling they inspire is one of eternal youth, devotees said. A skateboard has a countercultural appeal that a single-speed bike or a tennis racket does not. It is a talisman of youthful rebellion, a rude gesture to Ward Cleaver responsibility. This isn’t just a way to work up a sweat. It’s a way to shred (ideally, not knee ligaments).
MANY middle-aged skaters grew up reading about the outlaw exploits of skaters like the Z-Boys. And while they may not have sneaked into backyard swimming pools themselves, the sport’s subversive bad-boy ethos became as ingrained as the scars on a veteran skater’s elbows. As every high schooler knows, skaters have always been the teenage thrill-junkies who tended toward punk rock, tattoos and C-minuses.
Parents, police and city officials have tried to crack down on skateboarding, which only added to its anti-establishment image. Skateboarders, for their part, would plaster their decks in stickers that read “Skateboarding is not a crime.”
Decades later, that renegade spirit lingers for middle-aged cubicle captives who return to the fold. Their comeback ride is like the scene in “Easy Rider” where Billy and Captain America remove their watches and toss them roadside.
“When you step on a board, all of your muscles are firing at the same time to do one thing,” said Chadd Hall, a 39-year-old information technology manager in Atlanta who slips out of work at lunch to ride his 39-inch Rayne skateboard. “You don’t have a whole lot of time to think about all the things that make up a 40-year-old’s life: how the kids are doing in school, all the different people at work coming at you needing something. All of that fades away.”
The anti-authority mystique is not lost on Joe Borress, 41, a contractor from Greenwich, Conn., who took up skateboarding two years ago, and now commutes from Grand Central Terminal to his office in SoHo on a 38-inch Bustin Maestro. “Skateboarding has that association: youth, punk, rebel,” he said. “It has that connotation of being bad.”
It’s not just men. Annie Messick, a 36-year-old housewife in Gulf Breeze, Fla., who took up longboarding last year, put it this way: “It is my mellow that I have been seeking for all my life.”
That mellow, it should be noted, is not without a price. Don Bailey, a news technology manager for a television station in Atlanta, occasionally shows up at work with a limp. Colleagues don’t bother asking anymore.
“I found out the asphalt is much harder,” said Mr. Bailey, who is at the older end of the skate-geezer spectrum at 53. “You’re skinned up, with skinned elbows, so you stop at CVS on the way home and buy bandages, cover up as best as you can before wife sees it.”
For those who ride in packs, skateboarding is not just a rebellion against age, but also against middle-age isolation. The sport affords skaters in their 40s and older a chance to hang out with buddies in a way they have not since they married and had children.
Consider the rolling party that is the Old Guy Skate Camp, run by Steve Morris, a San Diego real estate agent and skateboard enthusiast. For several years now, some 30 skaters over 40 pile into a luxury R.V. stocked with beer and carne asada and spend three days traveling from skate park to skate park in Southern California.
Or the weekly powwows in El Paso, Tex., where Bill Robertson, an associate professor of education at the University of Texas at El Paso, gathers fellow 40-somethings at a skate park, where they egg one another on as they try to master a backside air.
Yes, they look a little weird. “We’re the group with helmets and pads on,” he said.
Of course, teenagers are not always thrilled to see grayhairs crowding their turf. When Travis Cowan, 48, a network analyst in Columbia, S.C., shows up at a skate park with his fluorescent orange board from the ’80s and his silver temples, skaters young enough to be his children act stunned, asking him, “Did you skate at Dogtown?” He can usually shut them up by pulling off a board-rail grab invert, he said.
The raised eyebrows are more complicated when they come from your own children. Teenagers throughout the decades have sought to distance themselves from the squares they call parents. And it’s hard to flout authority by skateboarding when your dad is rolling along beside you, in kneepads and wrist guards.
But Mr. Brooke of Concrete Wave magazine finds that skateboarding with his two sons actually blurred the parent-child gap that defined his own teenage years. “It humanizes me a little bit,” said Mr. Brooke, 48. “There are a lot of dads who stand on the sidelines. There’s none of that in skateboarding.”
But even if your children are willing to ease up on the sideways looks, other people are not.
More than once, Gary Saenz, a 52-year-old quality-assurance specialist in Germantown, Md., has been skating in an industrial park or new housing development when a police cruiser has rolled up ominously. Bracing for a tense standoff with The Man, he usually just gets a quizzical look.
“They realize I’m not a teenager,” he said, “just an overweight dude with gray hair.”

Credits for Top Image:
Models: Sam Margevicius, left, and Chris Jarvis.
Stylist: Jason Rider.
Grooming by Valery Gherman at de facto for Dior Homme.
Sam’s look:
Levi’s Vintage Clothing T-shirt, $95;
American Apparel corduroy shorts, $34;
Giles & Brother necklace, $110;
Vans sneakers, $45;
Vintage skateboard, showpiece only. Courtesy of Pilgrim Surf + Supply, 68 North Third Street, Brooklyn; (718) 218-7456.
Chris’s look:
Sunspel hoody, $230;
H.W. Carter & Sons shirt, $185;
Levi’s Made & Crafted shorts, $175. Available at Smith & Butler, 225 Smith Street, Brooklyn; l (718) 855-4295.
Vans sneakers, $45;

quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2012

A marca

A marca BombaLonga dispõe de produtos voltados aos aficionados por skate.